Talular workshop for 10 Primary Teacher Training Colleges in Malawi

Cutting a paper skeleton from eight sheets of A4 paper.

Click here to see the whole skeleton album online

Download a pdf copy of the full Talular Workshop report, which includes timetable, notes and feedback on every session.

Wherever you are in the world, you are welcome to use the TALULAR workshop with your students. Use it, improve it and spread the it!

'The rate of adoption of the TALULAR ideology, which is actively promoted in Malawi... If we were to apply crude statistics, the ratio of those who feel comfortable in using TALULAR and those who do not is already 2:1. ...For a poor country like Malawi the choice to use TALULAR as a means of provision of resources, is an answer to low financial support of educational activities. Anything that could work against a solution to financial shortcomings is worth thinking about and monitoring what goes on in relation to it. ...I started thinking that TALULAR needs a better strategy for its dissemination... Otherwise, teachers will end up using lecture methodologies all the time, because practical work would not work without resources.'' ADK Phiri. (2008)

See also:

Malawi Institute of Education's Talular: A User's Guide, produced in association with American Institutes for Research (AIR).

Building our Talular site

We have only just started to build the frame of our site and are exploring ways to use blogs, wikis to get TALULAR ideas out to everyone. To make them FREE!

Our early experiments are online and illustrate the many different ways we've experimented with so far.

It will take many months for it to take shape, as we are involved in other activities.

The site will link TALULAR (Teaching And Learning Using Locally Available Resources) ideas to the learning areas found in African teacher education.

Please feel free to check our links and content as it develops.

Advice from anyone who has succeeded in, or is attempting a similar venture will be gratefully received.


African Information Society Initiative

The African Information Society Initiative (AISI) is an action framework that has been the basis for information and communication activities in Africa since 1996. AISI is not about technology.

It is about giving Africans the means to improve the quality of their lives and fight against poverty.

AISI is part of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

Dictionaries online

* Yourdictionary .com

YourDictionary is a free online English dictionary and much more.

The free dictionary search gives you definitions, thesaurus entries, spelling, pronunciation, and etymology results for your word.

Alternatively, you can browse the dictionary alphabetically or by related terms to find meanings and synonyms.

In addition, YourDictionary provides resources to help you find the best dictionary and translation sites for French, Spanish, Italian, German and hundreds of other languages.

Free dictionary search for your Windows browser

Desktop Assistant has been developed by Sphinx Software.

This convenient software allows you to access The Free Dictionary?s definitions and encyclopedia entries by selecting a word or phrase with one click.

It works in almost any application.

On-line Libraries and search engines

* Library spot.com
* Web encyclopedias (google search)
* The Universal Library (Carnegie Mellon University)
* What is the Universal Library? (wikipedia)
* Archive.org
* Bibliomania.com
* Gutenberg.org (Over 20,000 free e-books on-line)
* Gutenberg.org (on-line book catalogue)
* What is Project Gutenberg? (wikipedia)
* Wikipedia (wikipedia.org)
* Our thoughts about wikipedia (answers.com)
* Conservapedia (conservative anti-wiki site. It may be as biased to the right as they say wiki is to the left)
* A Stand Against Wikipedia? (Inside Higher Ed) Arguments for and against
* International Weekly Journal of Science study of Wikipedia accuracy
* Questia.com
* Online books (Uni. Pennsylvania)
* Farlex Encyclopedia (encyclopedia.farlex.com)
* Medical Dictionary (freedictionary.com)
* Encyclopedia2 (freedictionary.com)
* Google book search
* Open Directory Project (dmoz)

The Global Virtual University

Under the auspices of the United Nations University (UNU) the Global Virtual University (GVU) is a consortium of universities that work together to enhance learning for environmental sustainability...

Through a range of online study programmes and courses offered by partner universities, the mission of GVU is to increase people's sensitivity to and involvement in finding solutions for environment and development issues...

The consortium acknowledges the importance of education for development and is particularly designed to meet the educational needs of the developing world... source: http://www.gvu.unu.edu/

The Virtual university and e-learning

This web site contains the information on all of the activities related to the IIEP project on the virtual university and e-learning.

It has been re-developed and now has four sections:
1 The Project Overview
2 The Web Publication
3 Forums
4 Links to Virtual Universities around the world

UNESCO Open Training

An excellent site which advocates open content in non-formal education.

An A-Z of training categories include educational management, HIV/AIDS, life skills, adult literacy, management...

Browse communities which include educators, librarians, scientists, decision makers, environment specialist...

Calendar of significant days

27 International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust

21 International Mother Language Day

8 International Women's Day and United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace
21 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
21-28 Week of Solidarity with the Peoples Struggling against Racism and Racial Discrimination
22 World Water Day
23 World Meteorological Day

4 International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action
7 World Health Day
23 World Book and Copyright Day

3 World Press Freedom Day
15 International Day of Families
17 World Information Society Day (formerly World Telecommunication Day)
21 World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
22 International Day for Biological Diversity (formerly December 29, changed in 2001)
25-June 1 Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories
29 International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers
31 World No-Tobacco Day

4 International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
5 World Environment Day
17 World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
20 World Refugee Day
23 United Nations Public Service Day
26 International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

First Saturday International Day of Cooperatives
11 World Population Day

9 International Day of the World's Indigenous People
12 International Youth Day
23 International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition

8 International Literacy Day
16 International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
21 International Day of Peace
During last Week World Maritime Day

1 International Day for Older Persons
4 - 10 World Space Week
5 World Teacher's Day
First Monday World Habitat Day
Second Wednesday International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
9 World Post Day
10 World Mental Health Day
16 World Food Day
17 International Day for the Eradication of Proverty
24 United Nations Day and World Development Information Day
24-30 Disarmament Week

6 International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
14 World Diabetes Day
16 International Day of Tolerance
Third Sunday: World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
20 Universal Children's Day, and Africa Industrialization Day
21 World Television Day
25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
29 International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

1 World AIDS Day
2 International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
3 International Day of Disabled Persons
5 International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development
7 International Civil Aviation Day
9 International Anti-Corruption Day
10 Human Rights Day
11 International Mountain Day
18 International Migrants Day
19 United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation
20 International Human Solidarity Day


Internal links:
* Online libraries and search engines

External links:
* E-learning-Africa conference in Ghana
* Award winning e-learning development and deployment tools Free 100 page guide to e-learning (knowledgepresenter.com)
* More e learning ideas from knowledge presenter


Internal links:

External links:
* Definitions of bicycle (dictionary.com)
* Bicycle (wikipedia)
* Bicycle (references.com)
* How bicycles work (howstuffworks.com)
* The science of cycling (exploratorium.edu)
* Bicycle science, engineering and technology (ibike.org)
* Bike safety for kids (about.com)
* Bicycle safety links (about.com)
* Bicycle safety (UK gov)
* Bicycle sports photographs (dki images.com)
* Bicycle images in Flickr (yahoo.com)
* Bicycle image search on google.com